
The first ONE HEALTH World Young Veterinarian Conference was held

On October 26, 2021, the first ONE HEALTH World Youth Veterinary Conference (OHIYVC), sponsored by the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of California, Davis, co-hosted by the School of Veterinary Medicine of China Agricultural University, and undertaken by Duoyue Education Group, was held online.

The conference brought together the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of California, Davis, the School of Veterinary Medicine of China Agricultural University, Duoyue Education Group, as well as domestic and foreign agricultural colleges and universities. Before the conference, there will be a series of activities and 70 wonderful lectures to share the frontier clinical knowledge of small animals and spread the concept of “ONE HEALTH”.


Some courses of the conference are sponsored by the partner Ningbo Chuan Shanjia Electromechanical Co., Ltd.


The purpose of the conference is to advocate the concept of “full health”, to provide frontline veterinarians who are dedicated to the small animal clinical industry with mainstream international knowledge, skills and information from around the world; to promote continuous innovation in the global veterinary industry, and to promote the development of veterinary science to ensure The health of animals, humans and the environment.

Professor Xia Zhaofei, School of Veterinary Medicine of China Agricultural University, emphasized that many health problems are not only a national problem, but also a global problem; not only a veterinary problem, but also a human medical problem; this time requires young people to shoulder with a broader vision and mind. Mission, to assume corporate responsibilities, industry responsibilities, national responsibilities, and even international responsibilities.

This is an academic event and information feast of pioneering significance for China’s pet medical industry.

Post time: Nov-02-2021